Woohooo, your pick-up or delivery appointment has been made. Just a little more patience and you can ride your brand new doppio! Below we already have some information to prepare you for the delivery.

Welcome to the doppio family!

Your new doppio is equipped with a GPS-tracker, which connects you to your bike at all times. We advice you to already download the app, so we can connect your bike with the app during delivery.

You can download the doppio app via the links below

Your new doppio needs service at some point. We advise to make the first service appointment within 3 months or within 500 km. Whatever comes first. You can plan your service online in the doppio service center.

You will probably have a lot of questions about your new doppio at the delivery. We completely understand. We have already answered the most asked questions here. Have a question we didn’t answer? Ask us anything during the delivery of your bike.

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